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{Pho} | Shitake Mushrooms & Black Bean Noodles

Pho la la la la, Pho, Pho la, Pho!



yield | 4 servings

  • 168 oz (3 servings) of organic black bean noodles (I use these)

  • 6 cups organic low sodium vegetable broth

  • 10 medium shitake mushrooms, sliced

  • 1 cup chopped red cabbage

  • 1 cup chopped cauliflower

  • 1 cup green peas

  • 3 medium-small bok choy, most chopped, leave smaller leaves whole

  • 2 green onions, chopped for garnish

Miso Sauce:

  • 8 tablespoons lukewarm water

  • 4 cloves garlic, minced

  • 1-2 tablespoons fresh ginger, minced

  • 4 teaspoons dulse (seaweed granules)

  • 2 tablespoons toasted sesame oil

  • For an extra kick, add a teaspoon of kimchi sriracha to each serving!


  • Prepare the miso sauce in a small bowl, and set aside.

  • Pour the broth into stock pot, add the mushrooms and bring to a low boil. Reduce heat to medium, and let cook for 5 minutes

  • Add in the red cabbage and cauliflower, and let cook together for another 5 minutes.

  • Add the green peas and bock choy, turn off heat and keep covered to cook the peas and bock choy.

  • Divide the noodles between 4 bowls, and spoon the vegetables and broth over the noodles.

  • If you want to preserve the probiotic benefits of the miso and tempeh, let the vegetable broth temperature cool to 115°F before adding.

  • garnish with chopped green onion





Choose fresh, organic, local and seasonal as often as possible.


Have fun learning about soaking and sprouting legumes and grains!



Enjoy the cooking practice!  Make it a meditation. Add music and perhaps a little wine/beer ;)



Set up some methodical "experiments" to challenge any food-phobias or food groups that you have developed a degree of "uncertainty" about. Try different preparation methods. How does grinding, pounding, sprouting, cooking and/or fermenting 

change your experience of that food?


Enjoy eating! Create a stress-free eating environment. Take the time to slowly chew and savor the collaboration of food and energy that you are taking in. 

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